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vintage printers block wooden printing letter
Long vermeil Napoleon III cocktail spoon
Vintage oak stool
Edwardian gallery silver plate large oval tray
Vintage chapati roller collection
Antique wood for plaster casting
Pair of white Orbit chairs
vintage Burwood Yew stool
French bobbin tripod stool
Antique Thonet child’s chair
Vintage Karl Hart cigar mold
Antique Kun-it Burmese lacquerware box
Ceremonial tribal paddle spears
Hawksworth, Eyre & Co coffee elecroplated tea and coffee set
Infinite - wrought iron lamp
Heart - wrought iron lamp
Lamp Dame de Coeur
Lamp Mini Ayne
Barrel-shape antique tobacco jar
Pair of wrought iron book ends Pekin
Pair of wrought iron book ends Heloue
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