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Daffodils watercolour by Mark Azopardi
Daisies textile design
Design for a fan purple clematis by Hilda Clegg
Design for an embroidered cushion centre by Hilda Clegg
Design with poppies by Hilda Clegg
Dogs greeting in a park watercolour by A. Whitworth
Double sided nude of a man by Jean Clark
Drawing of a woman in reflection by Jean Clark
Drawing of a woman standing by Jean Clark
Exotic textile design - From Africa to Thailand
Fashion design- blowing dandelions
Fashion design- children at play
Fashion design- dominos
Fashion design- hearts
Fashion design- lampshades
Fashion design- roll the dice
Field mustard Botanical Study
Floral red point paper
Flower pattern textile design
Flowers gouache blue & red on black textile design
Flowers gouache on black textile design
Flowers gouache on blue textile design
Flowers gouache on grey textile design
Flowers gouache on yellow textile design
Flowers gouache orange & yellow on black textile design
Flowers gouache peach & yellow on black textile design
Flowers gouache pink & purple on black textile design
Flowers gouache pink & red on black textile design
Flowers in seven colour-ways textile design
Golden oat grass botanical study
Grey alder botanical study
Gum tree botanical study
Haute - Couture by Razzia
Hippo design from Geoffrey George Studio
Holly in blue vase watercolour by A. Whitworth
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