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Houses oil painting on board by Raoul Pouillat
Hyacinth heads gouache on paper
Imaginary City - Indigo and pastels
Javanese inspired textile design
Lady with the hat by Marie Hatfield
Laura Ashley vintage fashion drawings
Letter S design cornucopia by Hilda Clegg
Life drawing class pastel by Marie Hatfield
Meadow oat grass botanical study
Monaco Grand Prix poster -19 Mai 1957
Oil painting on board by the canal by Toupin
Oil on canvas painting of Children at the seaside after Arthur Elsley
Oil painting of Schoten by Jaak Renders
Oil painting- by the canal by J.A. Honrrissart
Oil painting- Cottage by the Rill
Oranges and narcissi design by Hilda Clegg
Orientalist travel watercolours in oval frame
Original poster with lady by Razzia
Original scarf textile design
Original scarf textile design with dots
Original textile design Bouquet
Original textile design of chinese roundels
Original textile design of roses on blue
Original textile design of squares and circles
Original textile design Paisley
Original watercolour of a piece of Coral by Mark Azopardi
Pair of antique botanical studies
Paisley design on red textile design
Pencil drawing nude of a man by Jean Clark
Pencil drawing of a lady by Hilda Clegg
Pencil Drawing of a nude woman by Jean Clark
Pencil drawings by Hilda Clegg of flowers
Pencil drawings by Hilda Clegg of fruit, flowers, butterflies and birds
Pencil drawings by Hilda Clegg of Japanese Anemone
Pencil drawings of a boy and a girl
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